Hello Stampede Family,

Monday, October 14th is a student holiday, and we will be having a rehearsal. This is a required rehearsal just like the Labor Day holiday rehearsal was. We will be rehearsing in the morning on October 14th from 8-10:30 am. Mr. Moss will be here for a clinic with this rehearsal and all students must be present. This will take care of our Monday night rehearsal, so it will be the only rehearsal on this day.
Parents, please make sure your child is on time for marching band rehearsals each morning. We still have kids who are showing up late to rehearsals. We start promptly at 7:30 am and students need to be in their warm-up block with their instruments by 7:30 am. If they are in the front ensemble, they must be here no later than 7:00 am to get the front ensemble equipment moved and ready. The band hall doors are locked at 7:30 am each morning. Please plan accordingly to get your band kiddo here so we can all start on time!
We have our fifth football game coming up on Friday, October 4th, against East View at Tiger Stadium. This is our homecoming game, and the band will be performing AFTER the game. We will be wearing our full performance uniform for this game. Make sure you have your Dri-Fit Stampede shirt and shorts, with long SOLID black socks, and marching shoes. We will turn around on Saturday and have the Vista Ridge Marching Festival. We will be back at Gupton Stadium in Leander—itineraries for both the East View game and the Vista Ridge Festival.
Monday night rehearsals….Parents, please make sure you are here promptly at 7:00 pm to pick up your student from this rehearsal.
IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ - They have released the SAT testing dates. 2 of the testing dates conflict with band events. DO NOT sign up for the SAT on Saturday, October 5, 2024 (Marching Contest) or on Saturday, December 7, 2024 (All-Region Auditions). Any of the other dates are fine!
UPCOMING WEEKLY BAND SCHEDULE: (More dates to be added as needed)
(More dates to be added as needed). Please check the main band calendar for all dates and times of events.
Sept 30 - Monday Night Rehearsal 5 -7 pm
Oct 4 - Football Game vs. East View @ Tiger Stadium (Homecoming) 7:00 pm - Band will perform after the game
Oct 5 - Vista Ridge Marching Contest @ Gupton Stadium - All Day
Oct 7 - Monday Night Rehearsal 5 - 7 pm
Oct 11 - Football Game at Leander Glenn @ Bible Stadium 7:00 pm
***Oct 14 - Monday Rehearsal 8 - 10:30 am***
Oct 18 - Football Game at Leander @ Bible Stadium at 7:00 pm
Oct 19 - UIL Region Marching Contest @ Midway HS Panther Stadium - All Day
Oct 21 - Monday Night Rehearsal 5-7 pm
Oct 25 - Football Game vs. Cedar Park @ Tiger Stadium 7:00 pm
Oct 26 - UIL Area Marching Contest @ TBA - All Day
Oct 28 - Monday Night Rehearsal 5-7 pm
***Oct 31 - Student Holiday - Morning Rehearsal 8-9:30 am***
***Nov 1 - Student Holiday - Morning Rehearsal 8-9:30 am***
Nov 1 - Football Game at Georgetown @ GISD Stadium 7:00 pm
Nov 4 - UIL State Marching Contest @ Alamodome, San Antonio, TX - ALL DAY
Nov 5 - UIL State Marching Contest @ Alamodome, San Antonio, TX - ALL DAY
Nov 8 - Football Game vs Chaparral @ Tiger Stadium 7:00 pm
Students ONLY, if you have not gotten on the Remind system yet please join NOW. Text @lbstampede to 81010.
Parents, if you have not gotten on the Remind system for Stampede parents, please do so! Text @Stamparen to 81010.
Have a great week!
~Stampede Band Staff