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Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our frequently asked questions section for answers to common inquiries regarding marching, concert performances, banquets, and more. It covers a wide range of topics, addressing most of your concerns.

  • Do I have to audition for the color guard?
    Yes, Auditions serve as a chance for potential new members to acquaint themselves with flag spinning and assess if Color guard is a suitable activity for them. It also allows the instructor to gauge the student's attitude and dedication towards Color guard. It's important to note that prior to auditioning, no previous members of the Lake Belton High School Color Guard possessed flag spinning skills; the instructor provides instruction in basic flag techniques to all prospective members. While prior dance experience is beneficial, it is not a prerequisite.
  • Do I have to be enrolled in the band to be in the color guard?
    No, Colorguard is distinct from the Band and constitutes its own class within the school curriculum. It's noteworthy that numerous members have never engaged in instrumental playing.
  • What is the time commitment involved with the color guard?
    To achieve excellence, the Colorguard dedicates numerous hours to rehearsals outside of class time. Attendance at rehearsals is compulsory for all members, as Colorguard is a collaborative endeavor where the progress of the entire team relies on collective practice. Despite the demanding nature of rehearsals, they are also enjoyable, serving as opportunities for members to learn and enhance their skills alongside their friends, engaging in an activity they all cherish. During the peak of the two competitive seasons, members should anticipate investing up to eight hours per week outside of class, excluding performance commitments.
  • What is marching season like for the Color Guard?
    The Colorguard is prominently integrated into the Band during the Fall Marching Band Season, practicing alongside the Band to create the performances showcased at competitions and football game halftimes. It functions as a distinct section, akin to the Flutes or Percussion sections, contributing to the ensemble that forms the Band as a whole. For further details on marching band-style performances, visit: //
  • What is the winter guard season?
    The Winterguard Season is exclusively dedicated to the guard competition during the spring semester. Performances are choreographed for a basketball-court-sized area, presented indoors, and typically accompanied by recorded music. Lake Belton Winter Guard competes against neighboring schools in the region with three distinct teams Elite, Varsity, and Junior Varsity. The Winter Guard Season spans from December to April. For additional details about Winterguard activities, visit: //
  • What is the financial commitment involved with the color guard?
    The costs associated with each season will be detailed during the mandatory parent meeting held in late April or May, coinciding with the Colorguard camp for both new and returning members.
The Stampede marching in a line before a competition

Interested in Sponsoring the Stampede?

Your generous contributions support our students' musical growth through master clinician sessions and assist in essential expenses such as maintaining our equipment trailer, covering transportation costs, ensuring uniform upkeep, hiring expert instructors, covering competition fees, recording expenses, communication needs, and operational costs. Your support is invaluable, and Lake Belton Boosters deeply appreciates any contribution you can offer.

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Special thanks to our 2024 -2025 Sponsors

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